Prevent Leaks Before the End of Fall and Start of Winter
Leave a CommentWhen you find water dripping into your kitchen, it’s too late – the leaks have already
started. Here in Chicago, we start seeing heavy rains coming down in September, which of course leads us to the winter months and the snow that comes with it. Your best bet is to be proactive, and take a look at your house or business for potential leaks and necessary roofing repairs before the rain starts falling.
Our Local Weather
Chicago has seen plenty of poor weather in the fall and winter over the years, and the worst part is it can be so utterly unpredictable. For instance, last year, we saw one of the wettest Septembers in a while followed by a drier-than-normal October. It’s not just rain, but also snow – November saw a full 10 inches more snow than average, b December followed with four inches less than usual! You never know what the fall and winter will bring, but one thing we can guarantee is that, as every Chicagoan knows, it will be brutal.
Common Causes of Roof Leaks
The best thing you can do is give your business an inspection for the variety of conditions that can cause roof leaks. These can include, but aren’t limited to:
- Rotting or rusting materials on the roof
- Punctures in the roof
- Cracked flashings
- Poor roof drainage
- Penetrations that extend through the roof, including chimneys, skylights, plumbing vents, and more
Getting up on your roof and evaluating these factors in August or early September will get you ahead of the game, and can help avoid nasty, wet messes when the rains come. Of course, if you fail to prevent a leak, you can always reach us when you need help ASAP, at our emergency service hotline.
Here at Knickerbocker, we have an annual roof maintenance program that can help you address your roof, keeping it clean and clear of debris, while maintaining drains, gutters, flashings, and more. Our visits also include inspection of mechanical equipment flashings and inspection and repair of the field membrane. These visits can drastically reduce the likelihood of a leak, and keep water where it belongs – outside. Of course, you can avoid that by getting in contact with us today to see how Knickerbocker Roofing can keep you dry through the coming months!